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EU statements in the OSCE FSC, with which Ukraine has aligned itself
19 July 2021 00:00



EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (30 June)

EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (23 June)

EU Statement on Transparency in Military Exercises and Activities (23 June)

EU Statement at the Tenth Annual Discussion on the Implementation of the Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security (16 June)

EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (9 June)

EU Statement in response to the CSTO (9 June)

EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (2 June)


EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (26 May)

EU Statement on Arms Control and CSBMs (26 May)

EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (19 May)

EU Statement on UNSCR 1325 (19 May)

EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (12 May)

EU Statement on challenges of new generation warfare (12 May)

EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (5 May)

EU Statement on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (5 May)


EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (28 April)

EU Statement at the Opening Session of the Armenian FSC Chairmanship (21 April)

EU Statement on the Unusual Military Activities of the Russian Federation (14 April)


EU Statement at the closing session of the US FSC Chairpersonship (24 March)

EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (17 March)

EU Opening Statement at the OSCE 31st Annual Implementation Assessment Meeting (2 March)


EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (24 February)

EU Statement on explosive hazards in Central Asia (24 February)

EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (17 February)

EU Statement on man-portable air defence systems (17 February)

EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (3 February)

EU Statement on the Vienna Document Modernisation (3 February)


EU Statement on the security situation in and around Ukraine (27 January)

EU Statement on the Regional Security Dialogue on “enhanced Forward Presence” (27 January)

EU Statement at the Opening Session of the US FSC Chairpersonship (20 January)

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